Enhance your links with personalized thumbnails

Boost your audience

51 thumbnails generated. Your turn!

Share it on your social media, such as Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Reddit, WhatsApp or Messenger.

Example of a generated thumbnail on Facebook
Illustration of a generated thumbnail on Facebook.
    There is a horizontal banner with a purple background.
    A title, in uppercase and pink: PEENKY.COM.
    Below the pink title, there is a white subtitle with a blue background. The subtitle is: 'Custom Thumbnails & Click Analytics'. Below the subtitle, there are 5 key points of the site in black, listed with bullet points. The 5 key points are:

    Upload your own images for impactful thumbnails
    Easy and quick customization
    Click tracking and analysis
    Boost your engagement and traffic
    Attract more visitors

    Below the horizontal banner, there is the website address in gray, uppercase: PEENKY.com.

    Under the website address, there is a bold black title: 'Custom Title'.

    Below the black title, there is a gray description: 'Custom description'.

Video presentation

About us

Welcome to Peenky

At Peenky, we transform your online presence through the power of visuals. Our innovative platform allows you to easily create and customize thumbnails for your social media, while also providing the ability to track the number of clicks on each thumbnail. Discover how Peenky can boost your engagement, increase your traffic, and attract more visitors with impactful and effective visuals.

Upload Your Own Images for Impactful Thumbnails

Thumbnails play a crucial role in the visual appeal of your online content. At Peenky, we understand the importance of capturing your audience's attention in just a few seconds. Our intuitive creation tool allows you to upload your own images. Customize your thumbnails with your photos and illustrations for a unique and authentic look that perfectly reflects your brand and message. In just a few clicks, you can transform your visuals into eye-catching and engaging thumbnails.

Easy and Quick Customization

Peenky simplifies the process of customizing your thumbnails. With our user-friendly interface, you can add text and insert images in just a few clicks. Whether you want to promote a product, announce an event, or share engaging content, Peenky provides you with the tools to create visuals that captivate your audience.

Click Tracking and Analysis

Understanding the impact of your visuals is essential for optimizing your online strategy. Peenky integrates advanced click tracking features, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of each thumbnail. Analyze the data to identify thumbnails that generate the most engagement and adjust your approach accordingly. With these valuable insights, you can refine your campaigns and maximize your return on investment.

Boost Your Engagement and Traffic

Thumbnails are not just attractive images; they are a powerful tool for increasing engagement and traffic on your social platforms. A well-designed thumbnail can grab attention, entice users to click, and explore your content further. By using Peenky, you increase your chances of captivating your audience, stimulating interactions, and converting visitors into loyal followers or customers.

Attract More Visitors

An attractive visual is often the first point of contact between you and your audience. Eye-catching thumbnails can make the difference between ignored content and clicked content. By customizing your thumbnails with Peenky, you improve the first impression you make and encourage more visitors to discover your world. More clicks mean more visitors, which can translate into increased sales, subscriptions, or interactions on your social networks.

Why Choose Peenky?

  • Ease of Use: An intuitive interface to create thumbnails in just a few minutes.
  • Performance Tracking: Analysis tools to measure the impact of your visuals and optimize your strategies.
  • Engagement Boost: Attract and retain your audience's attention with eye-catching thumbnails.

Join the Visual Revolution with Peenky

Do not underestimate the power of visuals in your digital communication strategy. Join the Peenky community and transform how you interact with your audience. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive tips, tricks, and updates on our latest features.

Thank you for choosing Peenky to boost your online presence with personalized and effective thumbnails. We are excited to accompany you on this creative and effective journey!

For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact us at the following email address: mail@peenky.com.

Peenky - Create, customize, measure. Increase your visual impact.